WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.879 --> 00:00:06.899 Maddalena Poli: Right so before one more thing, the main thing is, is that just. 2 00:00:07.109 --> 00:00:07.799 Boqun Zhou: For you know. 3 00:00:08.010 --> 00:00:08.880 Maddalena Poli: Hello yep. 4 00:00:09.420 --> 00:00:10.139 Maddalena Poli: We can hear me okay. 5 00:00:11.160 --> 00:00:13.920 Boqun Zhou: yeah my Internet seems fine right now I hope it. 6 00:00:14.250 --> 00:00:15.210 Boqun Zhou: stays this way. 7 00:00:15.420 --> 00:00:18.960 Boqun Zhou: till the end and when I start sharing the screen, I will. 8 00:00:20.130 --> 00:00:29.070 Boqun Zhou: turn off my video just to make sure that the connection is stable and we will be looking at a screen so nobody will be looking at me and it's there's no need to show myself. 9 00:00:31.440 --> 00:00:32.100 Maddalena Poli: Okay. 10 00:00:34.140 --> 00:00:34.740 Boqun Zhou: Let me. 11 00:00:45.000 --> 00:00:49.620 Boqun Zhou: Okay, so thank you for coming back as everyone seeing the screen matallana you're seeing the screen. 12 00:00:50.460 --> 00:00:51.600 Maddalena Poli: Yes, yes, looks fine. 13 00:00:52.200 --> 00:00:53.280 Boqun Zhou: Okay, so. 14 00:00:54.210 --> 00:01:05.160 Boqun Zhou: Let me start where I stopped last time, as I said, I want to give you some actual examples of working with manuscripts I don't want to give you too many examples, because. 15 00:01:05.880 --> 00:01:15.870 Boqun Zhou: These are quite technical and I want to do it very slowly and show you how to use the reference tool that every step and try to think about all the complexities involved in. 16 00:01:17.310 --> 00:01:21.060 Boqun Zhou: trying to figure out what certain characters me so. 17 00:01:22.170 --> 00:01:28.920 Boqun Zhou: I just want to pick two examples I think too well chosen examples are better than you know and well, an overwhelming. 18 00:01:29.640 --> 00:01:40.500 Boqun Zhou: array of random examples, so the examples i'm going to talk about today are both from the team have been slips Volume one and their their manuscripts i've been working with for a while and they're. 19 00:01:41.190 --> 00:01:49.710 Boqun Zhou: The titles are given by the editors of the manuscripts they're called the injury or arrival of and in go or announcement of the volume itself is published in 2011. 20 00:01:50.610 --> 00:02:05.910 Boqun Zhou: And so, here are some some basic information some background information about these two texts they both belong to so scholars believe that they both belong to the texts were dharma of the shampoo or venerated scriptures and the injuries even how to be the original to eat. 21 00:02:07.200 --> 00:02:14.700 Boqun Zhou: In ancient texts of the Shell, so we have we do have a transmitted shania what you do and now it's pretty sure now we're pretty sure that it's a forgery because. 22 00:02:15.060 --> 00:02:19.140 Boqun Zhou: The manuscript shall we do that has very little in common with the transmitted January. 23 00:02:20.100 --> 00:02:28.230 Boqun Zhou: And because of some quotations some ancient quotations, we know that the manuscript is actually this chain, we do, although the editors give it a different title. 24 00:02:28.680 --> 00:02:44.310 Boqun Zhou: So both manuscripts are about are they concerned stories about Tang and eating and they they're also about how the sham replace this yeah so they're condoms are related I picked them because they're short and also because. 25 00:02:45.450 --> 00:02:48.510 Boqun Zhou: There are some interesting problems on the first lip of both. 26 00:02:49.350 --> 00:03:00.960 Boqun Zhou: So i'm going to show you two problems, one in the first clip of injure and the other one, and the first clip of Engel I think we'll probably we probably need just about one hour. 27 00:03:01.470 --> 00:03:12.420 Boqun Zhou: No need to use one hour one hour and a half, so I will leave the 30 minutes, the rest of the time for questions and answers and also I i've been asked the question about how to. 28 00:03:12.900 --> 00:03:25.830 Boqun Zhou: Create how to find it difficult characters how to create images for difficult characters and how to insert them, so I could spend I could also spend a few minutes, demonstrating how to do that if people are interested, depending on on what you need okay so let's start. 29 00:03:27.540 --> 00:03:37.500 Boqun Zhou: The first example I want to look at is from interest lip one in this sense, so the first line, if you remember from the last lecture the first line is. 30 00:03:37.860 --> 00:03:49.200 Boqun Zhou: What we call the direct transcription or strict transcription and the second line is an interpretive transcription, so there is i'm only going to focus on one single character that is this one I market with. 31 00:03:50.160 --> 00:03:58.440 Boqun Zhou: A red box, so the sending goes like this way in the shouts football and then we have this problematic character and then truths I tongue. 32 00:03:58.680 --> 00:04:17.190 Boqun Zhou: So we're pretty sure about the other characters and the translation is it was game, who went to boil from the shot and something arrived at towns place so this X is written like this and it's composed of a see which is significant and a loop, which is fanatic so. 33 00:04:18.270 --> 00:04:27.270 Boqun Zhou: Now, if you still remember what we talked about last time the question now is how do we understand it right, how do we read it, and there are several possibilities i'm going to show you. 34 00:04:27.960 --> 00:04:35.550 Boqun Zhou: What other scholars have proposed and and try to show you the logic behind those proposals and also how to evaluate them. 35 00:04:36.720 --> 00:04:48.000 Boqun Zhou: i'm going to suggest a reading that I think is the best, but I think it's it's an open question, you may you may disagree and you may have your own idea but, basically, what I want to do is to compare. 36 00:04:48.570 --> 00:05:05.670 Boqun Zhou: The different proposals okay so let's say they're all of these different proposals to read it so scholars have read it, as the first one this hurdle, and then the second Lou here and then also will do, and finally, this sure here, so I. 37 00:05:06.690 --> 00:05:22.050 Boqun Zhou: organize my divided into two general groups so they're either fanatic loans or graphic confusion as for fanatic, most of the first rule is obviously a homophone because it has the same fanatic right, and then the second Lou is also homogenous if you look at. 38 00:05:23.070 --> 00:05:31.800 Boqun Zhou: A page the page on the right so here is a page from the window shop, this is a reference to I showed you last time, so, if you look at this Lou. 39 00:05:33.300 --> 00:05:41.880 Boqun Zhou: This is the category the Ryan category and the initial the initial is light and run Category I believe this is, I can't see it here, but I believe this. 40 00:05:42.510 --> 00:05:48.180 Boqun Zhou: So anyways we have a phonetic series of Lou and, obviously, these are all from office and another thing is. 41 00:05:48.570 --> 00:05:56.910 Boqun Zhou: This rule is also Home Office with the deer this new hero, and the fanatics series of the deer and then we have another line of. 42 00:05:57.300 --> 00:06:05.550 Boqun Zhou: loop so Basically, this means you can you may consider all of these possibilities right, you may consider all of these possibilities as financial fanatic loans for this. 43 00:06:05.940 --> 00:06:17.460 Boqun Zhou: So the editors but she ensures they choose this route, with a with a walking significant underneath and then showing up and in 2010 you opt for this loop. 44 00:06:18.540 --> 00:06:27.270 Boqun Zhou: And then try a year later up for this it's not exactly come off on us it's only going to launch click close so we're going to use a reference to to see. 45 00:06:29.970 --> 00:06:45.390 Boqun Zhou: How close it is, and whether it is a good reading and finally longer than our angels, will they they suggest graphic and confusion so i'm showing you this ancient graphic forms of diane sure they believe that So the first one here, this is. 46 00:06:46.680 --> 00:06:58.650 Boqun Zhou: This is Lou and the next to our day, so this diet, sometimes written with alou here, so this is really similar to the loo we have right and the last one is true, and this tour is actually. 47 00:06:59.100 --> 00:07:06.030 Boqun Zhou: The fanatic of this shirt so they believe that it's possible for these graphs to be confused with each other and we're looking at. 48 00:07:06.480 --> 00:07:14.370 Boqun Zhou: So they finally choose this shirt instead of the day here that we're looking at Lou the first rule of the second to the third and the fourth shirt here. 49 00:07:15.180 --> 00:07:23.850 Boqun Zhou: Okay, and another so just one more thing i'm showing i'm also showing you the woodblock edition show and and in the entry on. 50 00:07:24.420 --> 00:07:33.450 Boqun Zhou: This Lou it gives you the one form the ancient form an ancient form it says school one's home, so that already shows you that the deer this Lu and. 51 00:07:34.110 --> 00:07:43.110 Boqun Zhou: Lu were looking at, they are Home Office, they can use this fanatic roles, but as I said last time, sometimes you want to check these sources right. 52 00:07:43.560 --> 00:07:57.330 Boqun Zhou: Because you might disagree with the phonological reconstruction, so you want to check if they're actually really used as phonetic loans in ancient sources so it's looking at this page is not enough um let's try to use let's try to use. 53 00:07:58.470 --> 00:08:01.290 Boqun Zhou: All right, let me share another screen let's try to use the website. 54 00:08:02.430 --> 00:08:04.650 Boqun Zhou: and put in alou here. 55 00:08:09.570 --> 00:08:12.450 Boqun Zhou: So Madeline are you seeing the website. 56 00:08:15.660 --> 00:08:16.230 Mariana Zorkina: Yes, here. 57 00:08:16.890 --> 00:08:17.370 Boqun Zhou: Okay okay. 58 00:08:19.110 --> 00:08:19.440 All right. 59 00:08:21.150 --> 00:08:29.580 Boqun Zhou: So um Okay, so it gives you if you want to click on these pages, it takes you two examples of fanatic loans and loops. 60 00:08:33.840 --> 00:08:35.460 Boqun Zhou: So we have all of these examples. 61 00:08:37.710 --> 00:08:39.330 Boqun Zhou: And as you can see, there is. 62 00:08:41.550 --> 00:08:43.890 Boqun Zhou: This Lou and this do that. 63 00:08:44.910 --> 00:08:50.160 Boqun Zhou: It gives you all of these examples, but as I said, you gotta be careful with. 64 00:08:51.390 --> 00:08:59.460 Boqun Zhou: The phonetic loan compilations in the truth when transaction and excavated text section, because these are readings made by modern scholars right, so there are. 65 00:08:59.940 --> 00:09:11.940 Boqun Zhou: not really well they're not necessarily well it tested fanatic was already a nation sources so that maybe they should we should look at this without without hiring we told ya that's with you and also the hundred simulations we enter let's compare all of them. 66 00:09:13.260 --> 00:09:14.040 Boqun Zhou: So okay. 67 00:09:15.210 --> 00:09:19.830 Boqun Zhou: Let me see where is the alright, this is the glue that higher yeah that's it. 68 00:09:24.090 --> 00:09:31.650 Boqun Zhou: Okay, so it gives you some examples, but you need to also read these examples and to see whether they are. 69 00:09:32.970 --> 00:09:34.620 Boqun Zhou: Whether they are good right because. 70 00:09:35.880 --> 00:09:41.370 Boqun Zhou: As I said, they just collect examples there's just collect textual variants and you have to check them against each other. 71 00:09:41.910 --> 00:09:59.400 Boqun Zhou: But we're not going to read it here, I just want to show you that the entry right now and and then in this is in an expert at texts compilation compilation of activated texts fanatic loans, you see Luke can be used for all of these different things, and then, here is another page. 72 00:10:00.720 --> 00:10:07.980 Boqun Zhou: Let me close them Okay, and this this book is the 20th shuffle yet so right now we're looking at this book. 73 00:10:08.700 --> 00:10:20.670 Boqun Zhou: This book gives you the fanatics series of Lou it also gives you some what they call Tony Zhang Zhang school, but as I said, you have to use this book extremely carefully, because a lot of the examples are no good. 74 00:10:22.110 --> 00:10:31.020 Boqun Zhou: i'm not going to spend too much time talking about this, but um let's say let's just look at one example, all right, he says, look at home. 75 00:10:31.980 --> 00:10:42.930 Boqun Zhou: Why because school lulu and then he gives an example TAI Shan Shan sensory Jen Lou and then some I want you to lose weight, this is a song dynasty i'm. 76 00:10:43.590 --> 00:10:53.130 Boqun Zhou: Reading so it's no good for us right when when they sit when they say lulu 20 oh they're not they're not specifying what the ancients what is this ancient mean. 77 00:10:53.850 --> 00:11:04.620 Boqun Zhou: Maybe it's just means pre modern China, so we have to be really careful about this, and also whether do is wish function is also a big problem because, if we look at the showing. 78 00:11:05.640 --> 00:11:10.320 Boqun Zhou: For example, i'm using all of these reference just together, so, if you look up Lou and therefore. 79 00:11:12.990 --> 00:11:14.010 Boqun Zhou: Let me click on the summit. 80 00:11:22.680 --> 00:11:25.710 Boqun Zhou: So therefore when, where is the New Year. 81 00:11:30.990 --> 00:11:35.310 Boqun Zhou: We sometimes you have to go to the previous page or the next page. 82 00:11:40.500 --> 00:11:42.390 Boqun Zhou: whoops it's pretty slow. 83 00:11:50.550 --> 00:11:51.240 Boqun Zhou: i'm not here. 84 00:11:54.540 --> 00:11:55.860 Boqun Zhou: i'm sorry I should be the next page. 85 00:12:18.630 --> 00:12:19.110 Boqun Zhou: it's. 86 00:12:20.220 --> 00:12:21.270 Boqun Zhou: i'm still looking for it. 87 00:12:24.870 --> 00:12:30.120 Boqun Zhou: i'll just to save time let's look at a text Okay, because it's going to take a while so. 88 00:12:31.770 --> 00:12:32.790 Boqun Zhou: let's look at test, and I said. 89 00:12:36.450 --> 00:12:50.490 Boqun Zhou: Okay, so the show and says it's the whole it's it's fanatic, but the soul and often makes mistakes right So if you want to know that you still have to use this website to check if Lou. 90 00:12:52.800 --> 00:12:54.360 Boqun Zhou: and be used as a fanatic loan for. 91 00:12:56.040 --> 00:13:06.270 Boqun Zhou: And you would see that there's no such an example right, and you can even check the phonetic reconstructions, for example, we have any in here, and if you put in blue here. 92 00:13:08.160 --> 00:13:11.250 Boqun Zhou: It gives you these reconstructions and then put in will again. 93 00:13:12.990 --> 00:13:14.190 Boqun Zhou: So if you compare them. 94 00:13:15.660 --> 00:13:20.520 Boqun Zhou: let's look at maybe baxter and cigar and schuessler if you compare them. 95 00:13:21.660 --> 00:13:23.670 Boqun Zhou: they're pretty different right so. 96 00:13:25.200 --> 00:13:27.720 Boqun Zhou: This is all all of these all of these are to say that. 97 00:13:28.890 --> 00:13:47.850 Boqun Zhou: So this book it just gives you all of these sources, but we still have to distinguish between them and we can just rely on it, so this Lu Lu Han was not a good example, but anyways so let's go back to the slide Let me close all of these windows, all of these tabs. 98 00:13:49.230 --> 00:13:50.460 Boqun Zhou: Okay let's go back to the slide. 99 00:13:54.720 --> 00:14:02.760 Boqun Zhou: In any case, if you check out of the sources, then you will find a so the loo the first one, and the second one, these are good, these are. 100 00:14:03.210 --> 00:14:13.140 Boqun Zhou: Very homogenous right, these are strictly a homogenous characters so phonetically they work, but this the third one, it doesn't really work if you put in there. 101 00:14:14.490 --> 00:14:16.770 Boqun Zhou: Let me go back to website again. 102 00:14:18.720 --> 00:14:19.710 Boqun Zhou: If you put in the loo. 103 00:14:25.140 --> 00:14:32.130 Boqun Zhou: Okay, and if you go through all of these examples you wouldn't find one single example that's, the first thing, and if you check the. 104 00:14:33.810 --> 00:14:36.060 Boqun Zhou: If you check live the reconstructions. 105 00:14:44.400 --> 00:14:49.620 Boqun Zhou: So we have alou here right, and then we have new here. 106 00:14:51.210 --> 00:14:56.400 Boqun Zhou: They also don't seem to work, I mean the major the main vow the main values are difference and. 107 00:14:57.960 --> 00:14:58.260 Boqun Zhou: So. 108 00:14:59.310 --> 00:15:16.860 Boqun Zhou: anyways it's not they're not Home Office so but, but why does someone wants to post that they can use this fanatic loss, because sometimes near Hama phones or if they're only if they're just going to logically close that could also use the fanatic long but, as I said. 109 00:15:17.970 --> 00:15:25.680 Boqun Zhou: If you we usually don't want to go there right because we still don't really have a very systematic methodology for determining. 110 00:15:26.880 --> 00:15:39.870 Boqun Zhou: The principles of you know, using fanatic loans in that case so and, in this case do is no good um, but we will see later that a near homophone can be used. 111 00:15:40.530 --> 00:15:55.080 Boqun Zhou: can be a very good reading, but in this case it's not a good meeting so and the last one is diane sure now, we have all of these readings, but then let's compare them in context all right, we have just considered the sound itself and the graphic forms. 112 00:15:55.680 --> 00:15:59.190 Boqun Zhou: But now let's consider them in contests and consider the meeting so here i'm showing you. 113 00:16:00.990 --> 00:16:14.250 Boqun Zhou: The how these different readings make sense in the original sentence and how the scholars justify their own reading so if you look at the first Lou and the full and definition it's just sinking Louis, and this means just to walk cautiously. 114 00:16:14.910 --> 00:16:27.870 Boqun Zhou: That seems to work quite well in the sense so being he went to bowl from shot and consciously arrived at towns place because we know that eating served as a spy for for town and. 115 00:16:28.710 --> 00:16:42.330 Boqun Zhou: And he was spying on the shelf for time so maybe that's the reason why he needs to walk cost of he need to arrive cautiously at telus place so, at least, this makes some sense in the context right and as for the second one. 116 00:16:43.320 --> 00:16:52.230 Boqun Zhou: The guy who proposed this reading he gives an example from Oracle on instructions so in the hood you number 35501, there is the place name called vital. 117 00:16:52.680 --> 00:17:03.960 Boqun Zhou: And we don't have to look at the whole inscription it's an sacrifice dedicated to a former king, but in this sacrifice it records the location of the sacrifice and. 118 00:17:04.710 --> 00:17:16.800 Boqun Zhou: Here we because we have a huge here right, and if the preposition for a place name, so we know that this bowl or by Lou is a place name and this by is just this book, because if you look at the if you look at the end, boosted. 119 00:17:17.850 --> 00:17:29.370 Boqun Zhou: it's written exactly as viable and then, if you look at the article bomb it's also this Bible, so this bowl is the capital city is the legendary capital city of the shank dynasty so. 120 00:17:30.930 --> 00:17:37.530 Boqun Zhou: So in that case, then we have to insert a punctuation a comma after this new instead of punctuating after all. 121 00:17:38.100 --> 00:17:49.260 Boqun Zhou: So bowl is a place name and this looming is woods and if you know article by descriptions we actually have other place names like this the woods of somewhere, it would be, for example, a. 122 00:17:50.340 --> 00:18:01.980 Boqun Zhou: place name with a loop with the the words of this place, or it can also mean mountain foot, but in this case, I think it means what's so the words of this place book so that also makes some sense right. 123 00:18:03.540 --> 00:18:12.210 Boqun Zhou: Yang went from shot to the words of the capital city and he arrived at towns place, although it's unclear why they meet. 124 00:18:13.410 --> 00:18:21.750 Boqun Zhou: In the woods, you can probably say that because he was fine for the show us he was fine for tongue, so they have to meet in a place that is. 125 00:18:22.290 --> 00:18:27.030 Boqun Zhou: You know secret, they have to meet secretly so and, in the first in a third case. 126 00:18:27.600 --> 00:18:37.860 Boqun Zhou: If we consider it as a graphic confusion sure just needs to go right then meaning is very simple, and of the two scholars who proposed this reading they find text references they find types of examples and other places. 127 00:18:38.460 --> 00:18:49.170 Boqun Zhou: which talks about how he returned to showers place and they use the word shirt so in this case, they read it as a verb and the whole sentence simply means so. 128 00:18:50.010 --> 00:18:54.480 Boqun Zhou: Sure just simply means he he arrived he reached talents talents place. 129 00:18:55.050 --> 00:18:58.230 Boqun Zhou: OK, so the two types of examples are you sure it's God archie. 130 00:18:58.470 --> 00:19:12.840 Boqun Zhou: sweatshirt Tommy Tommy we shall and also, you should be eating to Dr to so you should be Tang Tang you shall so they're suggesting that you know if we have the similar contacts and other ancient texts, then probably it's a good idea to take this as sure okay. 131 00:19:13.530 --> 00:19:20.370 Boqun Zhou: know if you look at all of these readings, they all of them seem to make some sense right so it's really difficult to pick from. 132 00:19:21.330 --> 00:19:34.890 Boqun Zhou: The first to work for that phonetically work and the last one is a graphic confusion it's also it's also possible and the meanings all seem to work in that case, in fact, we it's really hard for us to choose, we don't really have. 133 00:19:36.510 --> 00:19:37.440 Boqun Zhou: We don't really have. 134 00:19:38.640 --> 00:19:47.010 Boqun Zhou: You know, a systematic set of criteria for a Jew to getting between these readings, but then I want to, I want to introduce another reading, which I think is. 135 00:19:47.400 --> 00:19:54.330 Boqun Zhou: better or more convincing and we can talk about why it's why I think it's more convincing it's actually accepted by most people at this point. 136 00:19:55.350 --> 00:20:02.490 Boqun Zhou: But let's compare it compare this reading with the one we have just introduced, so this is a reading proposed by. 137 00:20:02.880 --> 00:20:09.600 Boqun Zhou: Korean being but here we're going to look at one article by volunteers from first it's an article published in 2001 and the article talks about. 138 00:20:10.050 --> 00:20:24.060 Boqun Zhou: date time notations in Oracle bone inscriptions especially times during the day, not mouth not mouth or day or Europe but times within a day, so he says in this article, he argues that there's there's a phrase. 139 00:20:24.690 --> 00:20:31.410 Boqun Zhou: drum loop in article but inscriptions that means midnight, so this looming is nice and enjoyable means in the middle of the night so it's midnight. 140 00:20:32.190 --> 00:20:42.480 Boqun Zhou: And it gives you the example of doing your job again we're not going to read the whole inscription but basically doing your job is to on this day and midnight. 141 00:20:43.560 --> 00:20:54.540 Boqun Zhou: And then they and then at this place, I see at this place called see and they test it so and in a different a piece on a different piece, there is also the phrase jungle, but we don't have a context. 142 00:20:55.560 --> 00:21:03.630 Boqun Zhou: And then, finally, in the third piece, there is a slip route, so one suggests that this room is night so on the day he is. 143 00:21:04.680 --> 00:21:17.340 Boqun Zhou: In the night it rings and the reason, so the article is very long i'm not going to you know go through the whole article he gives a lot of evidence for taking the strong Lou as a time notation, but let me just give. 144 00:21:18.210 --> 00:21:36.000 Boqun Zhou: Another set of examples, so we often have this in our couple of exceptions we often have this format so after the data notation after the ganja date, then there is a notation of time within the date so there's this is sheet right evening or night, so this is the time of there. 145 00:21:37.110 --> 00:21:49.770 Boqun Zhou: And if you compare these inscriptions with the first one being yodel then they seem to have the same format right so Hong argues that this jungle is midnight Okay, so when he wrote the article. 146 00:21:50.910 --> 00:21:56.430 Boqun Zhou: That you have manuscripts haven't been published right, if you look at the forums of this journal. 147 00:21:57.360 --> 00:22:05.700 Boqun Zhou: Sometimes it's written just with a loop, and sometimes it's written with a loo and the significance, she exactly like the do we have in Shanghai manuscripts. 148 00:22:06.630 --> 00:22:20.190 Boqun Zhou: So a guy made that connection, a scholar named to go jambi made the connection between that drone Lou and oh sorry let's go back a little bit between this jungle and in this room. 149 00:22:21.330 --> 00:22:32.760 Boqun Zhou: Sorry, the loo here, so this X it's also a see where the loop, so he says we should take the sentence as meaning, it was seeing who went to pull from the shot and he arrived at towns place. 150 00:22:33.690 --> 00:22:39.600 Boqun Zhou: During the night or at night and there's also relates his activities to ask him right he was fine. 151 00:22:40.290 --> 00:22:51.210 Boqun Zhou: He was he was he was working as a spy for Thomas so he they had to meet secretly whether it's in the woods, or whether it's cautiously, or whether it's whether it's during the night so here blooming things it's during the night and. 152 00:22:52.680 --> 00:22:56.790 Boqun Zhou: So this seems just one more possible reading, but then afterwards later. 153 00:22:58.020 --> 00:23:04.410 Boqun Zhou: With the publication of another purpose, this is the apple university slips at the shooting and it's just publish it just came out. 154 00:23:05.610 --> 00:23:13.440 Boqun Zhou: A while ago in this manuscript there was another piece of interesting on another interesting piece of evidence for that reading so. 155 00:23:14.460 --> 00:23:23.700 Boqun Zhou: This is a shooting manuscript right so, and if we compare it to to to the transmitted, should you move would find something interesting so in a transmitted shooting there's this poem chelios. 156 00:23:24.360 --> 00:23:31.410 Boqun Zhou: And in the poem chelios there's a phrase called jungle and this phrase ringo is repeated three times in the poem so. 157 00:23:32.580 --> 00:23:36.900 Boqun Zhou: This jungle, if you look at the word blog edition here this triangle is. 158 00:23:37.560 --> 00:23:51.540 Boqun Zhou: interpreted by the mile commentary as simple as nagel yeah so it's the inner Chamber or the inner Palace it's a spatial term right that's a term that means inside the Chamber inside the king's house inside the Chamber. 159 00:23:52.890 --> 00:24:03.660 Boqun Zhou: So he also says may go dri and we've gone wrong, so a gorge on one you foreign country so here is going wrong in our powers or inner chamber. 160 00:24:04.230 --> 00:24:11.550 Boqun Zhou: So obviously takes that as a spatial terms, but then in the end away slips the temple university students of the shooting in the manuscript text. 161 00:24:11.790 --> 00:24:21.150 Boqun Zhou: Of the stronger the stronger was written as strong So if you look at if you compare this Lou here with this Lou they are exactly the same character right. 162 00:24:22.260 --> 00:24:28.680 Boqun Zhou: This is just a flatter version of this character Okay, so why is it written as general that's an interesting question. 163 00:24:29.250 --> 00:24:45.000 Boqun Zhou: If we look at a different poem in the shooting, that is, the summer old poem there is another phrase jungle and, if we look at the model commentary commentary actually says this jungle, is, I mean so if we're putting all of these together. 164 00:24:46.530 --> 00:24:53.400 Boqun Zhou: there's there's something very interesting because, if we go back and look at the mile commentary here on the jungle. 165 00:24:54.330 --> 00:25:03.360 Boqun Zhou: it's actually not the model commentary, but the new domains sherwin so the shoe and says, first of all, this go there's a variant of this go and then he quotes the hunter the hind commentary. 166 00:25:04.110 --> 00:25:14.160 Boqun Zhou: Is an alternative commentary or traditional last but then preserved in quotations so he says the Han commentary says this jungle is drone. 167 00:25:16.680 --> 00:25:21.180 Boqun Zhou: Lou so sorry the scroll jumbo is strong year is midnight and. 168 00:25:22.680 --> 00:25:28.890 Boqun Zhou: He says this is in poetry and okay so that's very interesting right because the one commentary already. 169 00:25:29.550 --> 00:25:35.160 Boqun Zhou: glosses the strong, but not as a special term, but as a temporal term so he says it's midnight it's not in our Chamber. 170 00:25:35.430 --> 00:25:42.900 Boqun Zhou: Although the mile commentary believes this inner chamber and with the publication of the LP slips that seems to confirm behind commentary reading. 171 00:25:43.620 --> 00:25:48.840 Boqun Zhou: Without this connection, without this manuscript we wouldn't know that why. 172 00:25:49.620 --> 00:25:54.000 Boqun Zhou: Behind commentary glosses to struggle as strong, yet we don't know if it has any support. 173 00:25:54.240 --> 00:26:06.720 Boqun Zhou: Right, but with the article on inscriptions with the whistle at university slips and also with the Ching hua Bamboo manuscripts we actually know this junk this jungle is a special term in ancient times, it can be used as a special time. 174 00:26:06.990 --> 00:26:13.260 Boqun Zhou: term for ancient times, and this also explains why the mile commentary interprets this this jungle. 175 00:26:13.740 --> 00:26:27.570 Boqun Zhou: As anemia because it's night right it's dark, so the mall commenter actually knows that this has the midnight meeting, but here is it's simply takes the go in a different sense, so it seems that the model commentary misunderstands that. 176 00:26:28.110 --> 00:26:36.900 Boqun Zhou: The jungle in the first case, but it understands this jungle correctly okay so anyways what we're looking at is the correspondences between. 177 00:26:37.290 --> 00:26:48.990 Boqun Zhou: The first term goal, the second jungle and the final drunk but an interesting question, if you want to probe further a question to ask is are these two words come off in this right are these two words Home Office. 178 00:26:49.620 --> 00:26:57.420 Boqun Zhou: that the first to this drone go and the second row there obviously muffin muffin us, but what about this through, and this go, so what is the nature of this text for very. 179 00:26:58.980 --> 00:27:02.160 Boqun Zhou: Let me let's do a little bit of research with the reference tools again. 180 00:27:06.960 --> 00:27:07.410 Boqun Zhou: So. 181 00:27:09.540 --> 00:27:11.070 Boqun Zhou: Now, first of all, if you search. 182 00:27:13.350 --> 00:27:14.520 Boqun Zhou: If you search the loo here. 183 00:27:15.990 --> 00:27:18.510 Boqun Zhou: Certainly it doesn't take you to. 184 00:27:19.590 --> 00:27:27.330 Boqun Zhou: um it doesn't take you to any goal right, and if you look at the reconstruction, let me search the reconstruction first. 185 00:27:30.150 --> 00:27:30.540 Boqun Zhou: So. 186 00:27:31.650 --> 00:27:33.540 Boqun Zhou: Oh, where is it okay sorry. 187 00:27:35.010 --> 00:27:42.750 Boqun Zhou: So let's compare that the reconstruction of go and look okay so Lou is a woman, so it has this. 188 00:27:44.340 --> 00:27:45.360 Boqun Zhou: The rhyme is this. 189 00:27:46.830 --> 00:27:47.280 Boqun Zhou: and 190 00:27:50.490 --> 00:28:04.560 Boqun Zhou: They are ryan's are pretty similar right there rhymes are pretty similar, but what is problematic is the initial go has a K initial and Lou it has an Roi initial again i'm not an expert on phonology so I can't. 191 00:28:05.670 --> 00:28:14.520 Boqun Zhou: You know, explain this in a very technical way, but sometimes it's possible for K and L to be used as fanatics fanatic loans for each other. 192 00:28:14.730 --> 00:28:24.780 Boqun Zhou: All Let me give you another example Okay, let me give you another exam, although we don't have any example from ancient texts that they are used as fanatic well at least it at least the reference tools don't give us. 193 00:28:25.290 --> 00:28:34.920 Boqun Zhou: That example might maybe someday, you will find an example on your own missed emitted by those reference tools right, but at least our research doesn't give us that so. 194 00:28:35.760 --> 00:28:43.470 Boqun Zhou: But it's, not to say that they're impossible it's impossible, maybe the manuscripts just give us another new phonetic long relationship right. 195 00:28:43.770 --> 00:28:52.830 Boqun Zhou: And because we're, we have to keep updating these fanatic balls so maybe we're looking at another case of fanatical on that which we should try to explain so. 196 00:28:53.280 --> 00:29:04.950 Boqun Zhou: The question now is whether this K and L as initials they can be used as well, for each other, and I think the answer is yes, because I want to show you an example of the school here. 197 00:29:06.780 --> 00:29:07.230 Boqun Zhou: So. 198 00:29:08.640 --> 00:29:13.260 Boqun Zhou: Okay, no let's search in handy and first i'll just use handy because it's it saves time. 199 00:29:17.730 --> 00:29:21.150 Boqun Zhou: Okay, so we're looking at this character goal right and it means. 200 00:29:22.470 --> 00:29:24.270 Boqun Zhou: To respect it's basically another. 201 00:29:25.380 --> 00:29:31.740 Boqun Zhou: it's often used as a fanatic loan for for this going or for them to respect and, if you look at the shore one. 202 00:29:33.030 --> 00:29:45.210 Boqun Zhou: So it gives you going as alone on top, and a boom underneath, and this is pretty much just the clerical form right along on top, and it goes underneath and if we analyze all this character, then. 203 00:29:45.870 --> 00:29:52.500 Boqun Zhou: The goal, the goal underneath seems a fanatic obviously right, but what is the long doing here the long. 204 00:29:53.460 --> 00:30:06.150 Boqun Zhou: is probably a little is obviously also a fanatic right, it cannot be a significant because to to to respect is not a kind of dragon so the loan is obviously also a fanatic we're looking at a character, which is to fanatic components. 205 00:30:07.170 --> 00:30:07.590 Boqun Zhou: and 206 00:30:08.610 --> 00:30:09.120 Boqun Zhou: So. 207 00:30:10.890 --> 00:30:22.620 Boqun Zhou: The show one actually says that it's long is justified it doesn't take como ESTA fanatic, but going in this case, seems to be the fanatic Okay, and then, if we look at our ancient forms of this going. 208 00:30:23.820 --> 00:30:25.740 Boqun Zhou: That search let's do a different search. 209 00:30:27.660 --> 00:30:30.750 Boqun Zhou: let's search maybe the demons fishing OK. 210 00:30:35.400 --> 00:30:46.410 Boqun Zhou: OK, so what you're seeing here are the Bronze inscription forms of this goal and you would find that it's written with alone on top, and just two hands on our knees and it's not. 211 00:30:47.100 --> 00:30:55.470 Boqun Zhou: Really, a goal it's without this this thing in the middle right it's without this thing in the middle, and that means the. 212 00:30:56.760 --> 00:31:05.940 Boqun Zhou: The loneliest just the fanatic is just long, and this is this is used as a this is this character that graph form graphic form is used as a. 213 00:31:06.600 --> 00:31:16.680 Boqun Zhou: use for the word to respect in bronze descriptions very typical Okay, so what we're seeing here is actually a fanatic long relationship between long. 214 00:31:17.730 --> 00:31:18.270 Boqun Zhou: and 215 00:31:23.220 --> 00:31:25.890 Boqun Zhou: Something like this, or or boom let's just try to use go. 216 00:31:27.990 --> 00:31:41.130 Boqun Zhou: Okay, so what you can see is that this goal has a G or K initial and this loan has an l or our initial exactly in the case we're having here so that means it's not impossible for K and L. 217 00:31:41.520 --> 00:31:47.400 Boqun Zhou: To be alone for each other, but how do we understand that phenomenon is a logical question I think you'll get an answer in. 218 00:31:47.850 --> 00:32:01.950 Boqun Zhou: Different lecture but what i'm suggesting here is that so probably, in this case we just we just discovered in new fanatic long right by relating jumbo with django and withdrawn okay so let's now let's go back a little bit. 219 00:32:03.030 --> 00:32:08.880 Boqun Zhou: and think about the reading we just introduced with these different readings, then what makes. 220 00:32:10.470 --> 00:32:23.250 Boqun Zhou: This one what makes this reading a better one than the others, I think the reason is now, of course, all of them seem to make some sense right all of them seem to make some sense, but I think the reason is that. 221 00:32:24.120 --> 00:32:38.490 Boqun Zhou: The last the last reading actually explains a whole range of linguistic phenomenon, not just an individual reading it's not just an plausible individual reading that makes sense in the context but it actually helps us bring together a whole group of. 222 00:32:39.750 --> 00:32:47.640 Boqun Zhou: Things in trance and activated texts it explains, a time notation in Oracle bones it explains, you know. 223 00:32:48.150 --> 00:32:55.110 Boqun Zhou: Some commentary and mistake made by commentate by an Asian commentator it also explains okay very and characters in. 224 00:32:55.380 --> 00:33:01.500 Boqun Zhou: different versions of the shooting, so I think, in this case, this is a better reading, but which is not to say that it must be the. 225 00:33:01.860 --> 00:33:16.320 Boqun Zhou: The true or correct reading right maybe in the future, it will it's cover another manuscripts that tells us that actually the other readings are better, but for the time being, I think this reading has the strongest explanatory power, this is where we're looking for. 226 00:33:17.400 --> 00:33:26.700 Boqun Zhou: Not just you know plausible fanatic loans that makes sense in the context but also but but actually readings that have the strongest explanatory power okay so. 227 00:33:28.500 --> 00:33:37.560 Boqun Zhou: I wonder if I need to stop here for for some questions or I should I go to the next example and then take questions afterwards i'm matallana, what do you think. 228 00:33:38.010 --> 00:33:45.930 Maddalena Poli: We can show we can take questions this specific case, or to something that you've said so far, if anyone has them you could raise your hand so. 229 00:33:46.950 --> 00:33:49.740 Maddalena Poli: Among the reactions, so you can I can see you. 230 00:33:50.910 --> 00:33:56.070 Maddalena Poli: on the screen if now we can just move forward and do everything at the end. 231 00:33:58.020 --> 00:33:58.680 Boqun Zhou: yeah okay. 232 00:34:01.950 --> 00:34:04.290 Maddalena Poli: Okay, I think that nobody has a question so. 233 00:34:05.730 --> 00:34:06.180 Maddalena Poli: keep going. 234 00:34:06.570 --> 00:34:09.870 Boqun Zhou: yeah Paul just said alone is famously kr yeah so. 235 00:34:10.140 --> 00:34:16.830 Boqun Zhou: Again, I can give you details on phonology so you have to i'm looking at the chat right now. 236 00:34:18.480 --> 00:34:19.260 Maddalena Poli: Oh yes. 237 00:34:20.100 --> 00:34:20.460 yeah. 238 00:34:21.840 --> 00:34:22.980 Boqun Zhou: So please update. 239 00:34:23.700 --> 00:34:24.510 Boqun Zhou: Things in. 240 00:34:26.010 --> 00:34:26.940 Boqun Zhou: In the chat box. 241 00:34:27.960 --> 00:34:30.330 Boqun Zhou: Okay, so should I move on i'll just move on. 242 00:34:31.740 --> 00:34:34.350 Maddalena Poli: Yes, yes, I see no questions OK OK. 243 00:34:34.740 --> 00:34:45.270 Boqun Zhou: OK alright, so the next question I want to talk about is actually so I want to give you one example of a problem in interpretive transport and transcription and another. 244 00:34:46.350 --> 00:34:52.050 Boqun Zhou: example of a problem in direct transcription or strict transcription in this case we're doing a traffic analysis. 245 00:34:52.770 --> 00:34:56.670 Boqun Zhou: As I said last time, usually there's no problem, usually direct transcription. 246 00:34:57.180 --> 00:35:05.160 Boqun Zhou: Miss quite straightforward, but right but occasionally we see something really weird so in the first republican go, we actually see a really weird character. 247 00:35:05.970 --> 00:35:15.630 Boqun Zhou: And I also want to show you how different geographers try to solve this problem, so this is slip one from the get go from the very beginning and. 248 00:35:16.380 --> 00:35:27.090 Boqun Zhou: The text i'm showing you the first line is as direct transcription and the second line as an interpretive transcription so the underlined sentence is what this image shows. 249 00:35:27.870 --> 00:35:37.080 Boqun Zhou: So, then, the image of the Bamboo slip shows you the underlying text and the text reads like shots and then we have this problematic one. 250 00:35:38.160 --> 00:35:48.690 Boqun Zhou: Something see yo mean you ha OK, so the other, the reading of the other characters are rather on problematic in the transcription also on problematic, but what is this thing. 251 00:35:49.200 --> 00:35:59.160 Boqun Zhou: Nobody seems to know what would this is if we enlarge it it's something like this and now it's time to so if we don't know how to transcribe it now it's time to analyze it a little bit. 252 00:35:59.730 --> 00:36:16.830 Boqun Zhou: First of all, we know that there is a grass on top right, and then we know that there is a shirt or go more probably even on the left, and then we have a heart underneath so the weird part is this stuff in the middle Okay, so this thing and usually so. 253 00:36:18.120 --> 00:36:24.390 Boqun Zhou: When this thing was just published the the most widely accepted read a transcription is do it. 254 00:36:24.810 --> 00:36:35.460 Boqun Zhou: We already seen this on this is the first character of slip number one of what he allows manuscript eight right and another typical form of Julia is this is also, I think, in the audience the. 255 00:36:36.240 --> 00:36:43.170 Boqun Zhou: it's The industry has written it's doubled right it's there too, so significance in it, it says so caught by a knife. 256 00:36:44.100 --> 00:36:54.930 Boqun Zhou: So okay and, but the problem is so some other people post that it's it's a shoe and it's also a soap so a lot of a lot on seem to take this to be a soap, but the problem is this doesn't read like us so. 257 00:36:55.380 --> 00:37:10.170 Boqun Zhou: it's a little bit similar but not quiet So then, in this case, we have a really weird character, we don't really know how to transcribe it okay let's try to resolve this problem, step by step, I think it's actually resolved right now but let's look at some initial. 258 00:37:12.090 --> 00:37:18.180 Boqun Zhou: Possibilities first, first of all, there is a textual variant so actually this line is quoted in the transmitted. 259 00:37:18.810 --> 00:37:30.810 Boqun Zhou: The in the lead sheet in and i'm showing you the text here also underlined, it really is it's a really weird lion we shot the jaw you don't see me way john and if we compare the two and it's quite obvious that. 260 00:37:31.770 --> 00:37:43.740 Boqun Zhou: So this drone and this Joan their fanatic loans right and this mean, so the scribe So whoever copied the transmitted the elites, he. 261 00:37:44.220 --> 00:37:51.270 Boqun Zhou: Probably had a manuscript which had also Joan here, although our manuscript distinguishes between me and john but probably the. 262 00:37:51.930 --> 00:38:03.780 Boqun Zhou: The base text of the leads the has also a drone here, so there are two drones right, this is quite easy, but then are problematic the corresponding character in this transmitted quotation. 263 00:38:04.860 --> 00:38:11.190 Boqun Zhou: Is Joe is a job here and, if we look at the commentary, if we look at the commentary and 13 classics. 264 00:38:11.940 --> 00:38:21.240 Boqun Zhou: The commentators says, you know this this Joe is actually a meaningful word it's promising which faithful and trustworthy volume and trustworthy so it takes this to be. 265 00:38:21.990 --> 00:38:32.130 Boqun Zhou: A word meaningful word, but the same commentator also takes this drone as the end, although in a manuscript we know it's actually a mean and drop. 266 00:38:33.030 --> 00:38:42.600 Boqun Zhou: I don't know, of course, you may also question the manuscript reading right, but here, if you put it in the contacts Mina join us to make make much better sense than the two drones so okay. 267 00:38:44.400 --> 00:39:01.320 Boqun Zhou: Then let's go back to the Joe exam Okay, because we know that in early texts Joe is often a graphic error for for hi let's look at the next two lines, so we have another quotation in the transmitted to the elites you which goes like. 268 00:39:02.400 --> 00:39:07.890 Boqun Zhou: It quotes the ginger chapter from the show, and it goes like a SCI fi show, and he showed him well will want to do. 269 00:39:08.280 --> 00:39:21.780 Boqun Zhou: And the four characters in the June issue chapter is actually good shun shun me long to do and in our last actually in our last online session we saw this one ending they're often confused right there confused in the shop. 270 00:39:22.230 --> 00:39:30.210 Boqun Zhou: And then turn anyone obviously fanatic loans to mention graphic era that's easy enough, but then what about this school and Joe. 271 00:39:31.290 --> 00:39:31.920 Boqun Zhou: If you look at. 272 00:39:33.030 --> 00:39:36.180 Boqun Zhou: The ancient wagon forms of good until they're actually quite similar so. 273 00:39:37.050 --> 00:39:46.200 Boqun Zhou: We see this kind of graphic mistake, very often, to give you another example, look at the film shot chapter from the most there is this, and the way joshing true but. 274 00:39:46.830 --> 00:39:57.330 Boqun Zhou: um and the commentary so incident you don't commentary he posed this scholar saying that you know this Joe doesn't make any sense, so this Joe Dom away hi it should be high. 275 00:39:58.200 --> 00:40:13.770 Boqun Zhou: The way high children okay perfect it's a we know what it means right but Joe from Durban doesn't make sense, so, and there are other examples i'm just giving you some some good ones and also this line appears in the audience as exactly a high and then it has this Shin. 276 00:40:14.790 --> 00:40:15.480 Boqun Zhou: Which is. 277 00:40:17.160 --> 00:40:28.590 Boqun Zhou: A fanatical Oh, and also this this one, so we know that, now that we know the Joe and high are can be graphic areas for each for each other so. 278 00:40:29.310 --> 00:40:37.530 Boqun Zhou: It seems to add to give some support to the junior reading right because Julia and Google are synonyms and cool and high. 279 00:40:38.220 --> 00:40:46.830 Boqun Zhou: Are fanatic loans and then finally high and geographic areas we're seeing a very complicated, you know, a series of tests permutations here. 280 00:40:47.730 --> 00:40:54.540 Boqun Zhou: So if you were trying to figure out what really what really happened and then probably so obviously the. 281 00:40:55.050 --> 00:41:05.400 Boqun Zhou: The base types of this, the should have a high right and it shouldn't be this Joe it should be a high and then maybe in a different manuscript as high as replaced. 282 00:41:06.060 --> 00:41:20.220 Boqun Zhou: As as as this trip or this trip, but they they mean similar thing they both need to cut right this this shot cut itself cut itself off from its people, basically alienated itself from its people that's what it means so and that. 283 00:41:20.850 --> 00:41:31.230 Boqun Zhou: That reading also makes sense in the context, but the only problem is that, so we can try to solve the problem by comparing these types of variance right, but the only problem is still this doesn't look like. 284 00:41:33.240 --> 00:41:41.250 Boqun Zhou: Very much this doesn't really look like I tried very hard to see it as a true but still I can't really figure out what it is OK, but then. 285 00:41:42.000 --> 00:41:53.640 Boqun Zhou: This is still a problem right we seem to have a solution, but the solution is not totally satisfactory, there is something missing in between there's something missing in between Okay, so let me give you another example. 286 00:41:55.020 --> 00:42:02.370 Boqun Zhou: Here I think is a better solution that's a it's an article published by I forgot to include the source here it's an article published by, especially in. 287 00:42:03.360 --> 00:42:09.210 Boqun Zhou: Maybe 2010 or 2011 I don't I don't remember but anyways i'm sorry it's a reason article by shortly. 288 00:42:10.200 --> 00:42:24.270 Boqun Zhou: So he says that this is not true at all, he says, the reason why we can't figure out what this is is because all the right part is missing, if we look at if we go back and look at this Bamboo slip actually it's not. 289 00:42:25.530 --> 00:42:33.600 Boqun Zhou: You can't really see the the the right and very well right, so he says, the reason why we can't figure out what this is is because this right. 290 00:42:34.080 --> 00:42:38.220 Boqun Zhou: The right, the right end is missing, and if we completed it's something like this. 291 00:42:38.820 --> 00:42:47.700 Boqun Zhou: So there is a stroke missing here it's something like this, and this should be the ancient form of guy because you could compare it to different forms of guy and. 292 00:42:48.090 --> 00:42:54.720 Boqun Zhou: Oracle bones or bronze inscriptions guy is made up of a knife and a wall here, this is a wall so in the. 293 00:42:55.350 --> 00:43:06.630 Boqun Zhou: clerical form of guy we have a wall in the middle and then we have another we have something around it, but this should be a graphic era or graphic confusion of a knife so guy is a knife and along. 294 00:43:07.500 --> 00:43:18.420 Boqun Zhou: Okay, this looks the character looks quite similar to the one on a cordial and then the song right, and this is one piece of evidence, and if that is the case, we should actually transcribe this as something like this. 295 00:43:18.930 --> 00:43:27.570 Boqun Zhou: So that's, the first thing Okay, and then he says okay let's consider some other examples let's find some additional support for this this transcription. 296 00:43:28.440 --> 00:43:34.560 Boqun Zhou: If we look at those characters yet in this is a graphic form from the from the Marcus you have some. 297 00:43:35.100 --> 00:43:43.020 Boqun Zhou: Here is instead of brown says it's a one graphic form from that set of brown says, if you look at the top right. 298 00:43:43.860 --> 00:43:54.540 Boqun Zhou: component, this is also a guy right, this is also a guy that looks very similar to our graph and also quite similar to the one on some way or on the cultural. 299 00:43:55.410 --> 00:44:06.840 Boqun Zhou: So why is God written like this and from the contacts we know that this is cheap okay i'm not giving you again i'm not giving you the full giving you full details of the arguments, but we know that this is to so. 300 00:44:10.110 --> 00:44:16.860 Boqun Zhou: The reason is because the G and hook, they are often used as well, and here it's. 301 00:44:17.520 --> 00:44:26.100 Boqun Zhou: The guy that plays a fanatic rope and this whole if you look at the full one definition, it says it has guy as a significant right because. 302 00:44:26.730 --> 00:44:36.000 Boqun Zhou: You can't really see it here, but this is just a different form of graphic confusion, a graphic air or graphic sorry it's just a more strict transcription of this one here. 303 00:44:36.390 --> 00:44:47.910 Boqun Zhou: it's this this guy is the same, so the the bottom half components of who is the same as this guy so who has guy as a fanatic Okay, and then we have yet that takes this guy also as a fanatic. 304 00:44:49.230 --> 00:44:51.150 Boqun Zhou: And everybody knows that who and hi there. 305 00:44:52.230 --> 00:45:07.950 Boqun Zhou: Are in in classical texts, so we have, he says, we have an additional support here because we're seeing we're actually seeing a series of graphic forms that can be actually used as an added bonus for each other and if you want to check it. 306 00:45:10.380 --> 00:45:12.810 Boqun Zhou: So if you want to check it if you put in let's say. 307 00:45:17.280 --> 00:45:18.690 Boqun Zhou: oops okay here. 308 00:45:20.220 --> 00:45:20.910 Boqun Zhou: If you put in. 309 00:45:23.520 --> 00:45:24.360 Boqun Zhou: You put in a hook. 310 00:45:25.470 --> 00:45:39.180 Boqun Zhou: And then, it gives you high here, these are just very common every everyone knows that they're they're fun, I was pretty sure, and also it gives you tips here right it gives you to hear i'm okay i'm not going to click on it. 311 00:45:41.190 --> 00:45:47.970 Boqun Zhou: Just to save time, but this is just to show that if you check it then this series of. 312 00:45:49.020 --> 00:45:51.810 Boqun Zhou: graphic forums are well attested so okay now. 313 00:45:52.860 --> 00:46:08.670 Boqun Zhou: Now we know that this can be transcribed transcribed as this graphic form, instead of that you and then it gives us a good it probably gives us a good reading here right it gives us a good reading here and we can find a sense in a tongue shirt. 314 00:46:09.690 --> 00:46:11.370 Boqun Zhou: That says siobhan try. 315 00:46:12.450 --> 00:46:20.220 Boqun Zhou: To only show I am and then you see there's something interesting here because we have these two graphic forums and they're obviously interchanging. 316 00:46:21.390 --> 00:46:29.670 Boqun Zhou: According to our analysis here right, so this line can be compared with this line, and something is going on here, something is going on here. 317 00:46:30.720 --> 00:46:37.500 Boqun Zhou: Maybe we will maybe we're seeing just two different graphic forms of the same word in this one sentence right. 318 00:46:37.920 --> 00:46:45.600 Boqun Zhou: Still, you might you might think that we can read this as high, because we can say that this is shots the heights you or sounds good to me. 319 00:46:45.990 --> 00:46:54.420 Boqun Zhou: That doesn't matter, but the problem, but the point is the problem of the graphic form is resolved right, because this is a much better. 320 00:46:54.930 --> 00:47:04.230 Boqun Zhou: transcription than the one we had before, because it's it really doesn't look like here and to give you one additional example of the fanatic long relationship between guy and high and. 321 00:47:05.190 --> 00:47:16.290 Boqun Zhou: If we look at, if we look in a bronze inscriptions if you know bronze bronze descriptions there's this very formulaic phrase to plead for longevity and the word for it to to do. 322 00:47:17.490 --> 00:47:24.630 Boqun Zhou: to plead or two to entreat is written sometimes as guys sometimes as high and sometimes that's good so. 323 00:47:25.530 --> 00:47:35.100 Boqun Zhou: When we bring all of these together it actually it's actually a quite complicated set of things we have graph we're dealing with graphic confusion we're dealing with fanatic loans we're also dealing with. 324 00:47:35.670 --> 00:47:49.710 Boqun Zhou: Sometimes synonyms Okay, so this is the second example I want to talk about and how people start about solving problems and graphic transcription um I think i'm going to stop here and see if there's any questions. 325 00:47:51.450 --> 00:48:08.370 Boqun Zhou: These are the two examples I want to show you today and to combine them with the use of reference tools, so I want, I want to move really slowly and to but maybe I still missed certain certain things when I was trying to introduce the example, so I want to take some questions now and. 326 00:48:11.340 --> 00:48:19.560 Maddalena Poli: Sure, also remember you can ask questions about the previous lecture which is on YouTube if you have seen it again raise your hand. 327 00:48:20.850 --> 00:48:27.450 Maddalena Poli: Then i'll call on you and you'll be able to interact, because any questions want to ask goodbye vacation. 328 00:48:29.760 --> 00:48:34.500 Boqun Zhou: Or, if you want me to go back to a certain slide I can I can also do that. 329 00:48:42.750 --> 00:48:56.190 Maddalena Poli: Yes, very shy audience today, you can also again feel free to Okay, we have a question in the chat, could you please introduce the website COM doesn't matter you're using who is running in which tools are available there. 330 00:49:00.720 --> 00:49:12.150 Boqun Zhou: yeah okay um I actually did I actually did a very short introduction in the last video, which is uploaded online, but let let's look at the website again so. 331 00:49:12.720 --> 00:49:14.520 Boqun Zhou: You can find a lot of information. 332 00:49:14.820 --> 00:49:20.820 Boqun Zhou: So if you click on the show year you can find a lot of information here by reading the shelter and there's actually an English. 333 00:49:21.990 --> 00:49:26.520 Boqun Zhou: Introduction here, so it keeps updating, so there. 334 00:49:27.960 --> 00:49:36.120 Boqun Zhou: But it's a shame that it doesn't have a lot of information on on the Asians um let's say patriarch free tools that as a lot of. 335 00:49:36.780 --> 00:49:43.620 Boqun Zhou: Useful dictionaries here in this section, but then maybe due to copyright reasons they removed a lot of books from the gwen's a section. 336 00:49:44.460 --> 00:49:54.690 Boqun Zhou: When I when I was when I used it let's say a year ago they still had that here, but then they removed it, so the most useful section is here the. 337 00:49:55.140 --> 00:50:11.520 Boqun Zhou: Reference stores or dictionaries it has a you know so for philology for illogical glosses for phonological reconstructions for a Bamboo and sales tax for fanatics series, and you know phonetic loans and also some let's say dialects in or. 338 00:50:13.410 --> 00:50:16.650 Boqun Zhou: phonology in Buddhist texts, a lot of things. 339 00:50:18.240 --> 00:50:33.030 Boqun Zhou: It also has this is something I talked about in the last few, it also has a collection of shooting materials so you can find all of these poems in the shooting if you'll click on one of them, it takes you to all the major commentaries and some major works by modern scholars. 340 00:50:34.080 --> 00:50:35.850 Boqun Zhou: yeah things like that. 341 00:50:37.860 --> 00:50:41.670 Boqun Zhou: I would strongly recommend this website it saves you a lot of time. 342 00:50:42.810 --> 00:50:46.050 Boqun Zhou: Let me click on the sweet home that sugar, for example, it takes you to. 343 00:50:47.640 --> 00:50:50.790 Boqun Zhou: an image of the bus scanned image of the book. 344 00:50:54.030 --> 00:50:55.230 Boqun Zhou: yeah that's it. 345 00:51:02.280 --> 00:51:05.910 Boqun Zhou: The link, I think the link is on the methods and phonology website isn't it. 346 00:51:07.320 --> 00:51:17.310 Maddalena Poli: Yes, they also just put it on the in the chat yeah, it is a very rich website, we could have more of this in the future as part of methods inside knowledge if. 347 00:51:18.240 --> 00:51:28.080 Maddalena Poli: There is a quest for it, but I think the secret is also using it, because everybody has different needs that we work in different ways and there's so much in this website. 348 00:51:28.110 --> 00:51:28.740 Boqun Zhou: Right right you. 349 00:51:28.800 --> 00:51:44.400 Maddalena Poli: guys 10 10% of it okay another question some general Peters I hope I pronounced that correctly, I had a few Democrats were very intrigued maybe another video go into a little more slowly could be helpful to I only had two that's fine, we can take a note of that. 350 00:51:45.840 --> 00:51:54.690 Maddalena Poli: I appreciate you sharing of online tools and comments about that I was wondering whether you have come across to me is University of Hong Kong chant database. 351 00:51:55.110 --> 00:51:57.720 Boqun Zhou: yeah Chan is also really good I used chance. 352 00:51:57.990 --> 00:51:59.460 Boqun Zhou: Before for a while, but then. 353 00:51:59.970 --> 00:52:07.800 Boqun Zhou: For some reason, I had a subscription problem so, then I switched to the trunk watching young people but Chen is also really good yeah. 354 00:52:12.600 --> 00:52:24.600 Maddalena Poli: Yes, I would like to add that child is not free right so there's there's something to be said, also for websites that do not require a subscription to a university or paying individually. 355 00:52:25.590 --> 00:52:29.490 Boqun Zhou: yeah but also the Joe, what do you think, which was the same so for both websites, you need. 356 00:52:29.550 --> 00:52:31.950 Boqun Zhou: Exactly yeah yeah. 357 00:52:32.250 --> 00:52:45.390 Maddalena Poli: yeah and that's why you know it's good to have facts like syntax that you know as many hours as they they have they give you a good start in terms of being accessible to everybody and that one has to find alternative voice. 358 00:52:46.080 --> 00:52:48.210 Maddalena Poli: yeah any other questions. 359 00:52:48.510 --> 00:52:57.600 Boqun Zhou: Sorry, just one one more thing I think one of one way to use the don't watch again cool is that you can actually search in. 360 00:52:58.140 --> 00:53:07.170 Boqun Zhou: The commentaries so it has those books published by john Marshall jr right so those books are not just critical additions but include also to follow just commentaries and. 361 00:53:07.380 --> 00:53:21.540 Boqun Zhou: they're usually very informative and you can actually search the top commentaries are searchable, so in that way you can find you know what has been said by change philologist on a certain chunk of texts, I think that's also really useful. 362 00:53:24.720 --> 00:53:25.710 Maddalena Poli: Indeed, yes. 363 00:53:28.530 --> 00:53:35.010 Maddalena Poli: Any other questions, otherwise which you can address the question that was asked last time, and then we. 364 00:53:36.090 --> 00:53:43.260 Maddalena Poli: Again over to the floor, the question was let me find it exactly um. 365 00:53:44.940 --> 00:53:46.890 Boqun Zhou: So last time, someone asked me if I can. 366 00:53:47.370 --> 00:53:49.110 Boqun Zhou: show how to input. 367 00:53:49.560 --> 00:53:51.390 Boqun Zhou: You know, strange strange graphs. 368 00:53:51.450 --> 00:53:53.160 Boqun Zhou: How to insert strange graphic forms. 369 00:53:53.190 --> 00:53:56.640 Boqun Zhou: yeah I can also top of that, if. 370 00:53:56.730 --> 00:53:57.090 Yes. 371 00:53:58.410 --> 00:54:04.710 Maddalena Poli: It was a better way to type non standard characters gossip your manuscripts and I have a typo equivalent. 372 00:54:09.510 --> 00:54:11.160 Boqun Zhou: yeah oh sorry I was looking at the chat sorry. 373 00:54:12.450 --> 00:54:12.990 Maddalena Poli: Sure sure. 374 00:54:13.830 --> 00:54:15.720 Boqun Zhou: yeah sorry, could you say it again, I. 375 00:54:16.560 --> 00:54:20.760 Maddalena Poli: I wasn't painting, so the question was, is there a way to type non standard. 376 00:54:20.790 --> 00:54:29.310 Maddalena Poli: taxes, for example, graphs that appear on manuscripts or do not have a typo equivalent that you showed in your lectures in your lecture today. 377 00:54:30.120 --> 00:54:31.260 Boqun Zhou: yeah so. 378 00:54:31.290 --> 00:54:33.000 Maddalena Poli: You go around us yeah. 379 00:54:33.510 --> 00:54:33.720 Boqun Zhou: yeah. 380 00:54:33.750 --> 00:54:36.780 Boqun Zhou: Okay, so I think there are usually two ways to do it. 381 00:54:37.200 --> 00:54:51.450 Boqun Zhou: The first way is just if you can use this So if you click handy and if you open handy and here is a cello right by this if you're searching by this elmo then you're searching the whole character let's say. 382 00:54:53.400 --> 00:54:54.120 Boqun Zhou: For example. 383 00:54:55.590 --> 00:55:15.870 Boqun Zhou: If I type in then i'm searching this character itself, but then, let me go back if you change it, if you change this try to type in to this hands of children, and you can search all the characters that have a certain component, so if I type in let's say on the nvidia. 384 00:55:18.090 --> 00:55:27.480 Boqun Zhou: And I if I search it, it takes you to a page That gives you all these characters that have DNS components and this doesn't even have to be the radical so. 385 00:55:28.470 --> 00:55:41.310 Boqun Zhou: And then, sometimes you can find the characters you want here, because they have a large number of them, so, for example, if you click on this one, and then you can just copy and paste right, you can let's just say you can copy and paste. 386 00:55:43.290 --> 00:55:44.700 Boqun Zhou: You can copy and paste this. 387 00:55:47.400 --> 00:55:50.520 Boqun Zhou: And then into your word document or whatever. 388 00:55:51.600 --> 00:56:09.150 Boqun Zhou: you're using but, so this is quite easy right, but what if it doesn't really have what if the deck doesn't really have that, then we can then the way I do it is, I have to make an image, but it's also it's also pretty easy, so let me show you how to create an image of a strange character. 389 00:56:10.170 --> 00:56:19.860 Boqun Zhou: I actually opened a file here, so this is what I, I want to use this sentence as an example, so this is the sentence from the Guardian. 390 00:56:20.970 --> 00:56:28.530 Boqun Zhou: The Guardian version of the Gordian manuscripts of it's the and it says he that shall he go ocean going whoa long do so, first of all. 391 00:56:29.100 --> 00:56:42.150 Boqun Zhou: So we have two strange characters here right, this is the first one, and you can see it's an image and this is the second one, so the second one, you can find them on handy if you just search. 392 00:56:43.350 --> 00:56:44.850 Boqun Zhou: let's say if you're just searched your. 393 00:56:47.190 --> 00:56:48.480 Boqun Zhou: it's very easy to find it on honey. 394 00:56:49.860 --> 00:56:52.020 Boqun Zhou: Are you just browse through all of these. 395 00:56:53.670 --> 00:56:59.070 Boqun Zhou: Then, is here right it even has this very informal and if you'll click on it, it takes you to do it really. 396 00:56:59.340 --> 00:57:13.710 Boqun Zhou: And if you'll click this do it gives you all of these various forms of so honey is really useful it already has a lot of the characters you would need But what if, what about this one, what about this this school if you put in the high let's say. 397 00:57:15.270 --> 00:57:16.110 Boqun Zhou: If you put in a high. 398 00:57:20.850 --> 00:57:23.310 Boqun Zhou: And then you can't find a high with a good. 399 00:57:24.870 --> 00:57:27.000 Boqun Zhou: Sometimes I miss it but. 400 00:57:28.410 --> 00:57:29.490 Boqun Zhou: I don't see it here. 401 00:57:30.630 --> 00:57:37.410 Boqun Zhou: If you just probably if you just skim through it, you don't have a high with a good on the right, so what you can do is that you can create an image by. 402 00:57:38.010 --> 00:57:54.840 Boqun Zhou: Using these characters on handy so let's say we have a character that has you know high on the left and go on the right right and first of all let's let me find a character that has also has high on the on the left so let's click this one. 403 00:57:56.190 --> 00:58:03.000 Boqun Zhou: Okay, I have this character, with a high on the left and then let me find another one with a good on the right. 404 00:58:06.090 --> 00:58:12.540 Boqun Zhou: There are plenty of them so i'll just click click this one randomly okay now what i'm gonna do is i'm going to open up paint. 405 00:58:13.590 --> 00:58:23.520 Boqun Zhou: or whatever, whatever is painting software, you want to use this is to pane windows has a BAT MAC may have something different i'm not sure so i'll just use windows as an example. 406 00:58:24.120 --> 00:58:33.840 Boqun Zhou: I will insert a text box here, and then I can copy and paste the two characters in it so let's say I copy this first. 407 00:58:36.120 --> 00:58:47.610 Boqun Zhou: and make sure you are use a very large font size Okay, make sure you use a very large font size, because you want you want some details, so I copy and paste this first and then I copy and paste this. 408 00:58:52.920 --> 00:58:53.220 Boqun Zhou: Okay. 409 00:58:54.750 --> 00:58:56.550 Boqun Zhou: i'm sorry what happened. 410 00:59:02.220 --> 00:59:13.260 Boqun Zhou: Okay, now I click somewhere else, what i'm going to do now is, I want to remove the user 11 irrelevant components, I can just I can use eraser or I can just select them and delete them. 411 00:59:16.020 --> 00:59:18.420 Boqun Zhou: And then, if you want to be careful, you can actually. 412 00:59:19.500 --> 00:59:22.500 Boqun Zhou: blow it up and use the eraser to. 413 00:59:24.270 --> 00:59:25.530 Boqun Zhou: erase what you don't want. 414 00:59:29.850 --> 00:59:40.470 Boqun Zhou: Okay, so now we have a high on there on the left and go on right right, and then you click on this select i'm Sorry, I have a pain in Chinese but i'm sure you can find. 415 00:59:41.400 --> 00:59:54.360 Boqun Zhou: The relevant buttons on you know where it is so the only thing you need to pay attention to is when you click this gentle and he just selected if you move it here it's going to oh sorry already choose it, but if you don't choose it it's going to. 416 00:59:55.890 --> 01:00:03.030 Boqun Zhou: arm, you know it's going to you can't really move it to this high right because there is a white background that's going to. 417 01:00:04.200 --> 01:00:16.080 Boqun Zhou: cover this high So what do you want to do is you select this transparent selection here, this is a transparent selection and then it allows you to move the school close to the high ah like this. 418 01:00:18.300 --> 01:00:18.660 Boqun Zhou: Okay. 419 01:00:19.380 --> 01:00:22.710 Maddalena Poli: Which one you're asked to share the paint window. 420 01:00:24.090 --> 01:00:24.660 Boqun Zhou: Oh sorry. 421 01:00:24.720 --> 01:00:31.080 Maddalena Poli: what's that and i'll see other applications, we can only see your browser we cannot see other oh sorry sorry okay I forgot going. 422 01:00:31.740 --> 01:00:32.550 Maddalena Poli: back and forth. 423 01:00:32.940 --> 01:00:33.690 Boqun Zhou: Oh, my God okay. 424 01:00:35.310 --> 01:00:36.330 Boqun Zhou: Okay anyways. 425 01:00:36.600 --> 01:00:37.080 let's. 426 01:00:39.570 --> 01:00:40.410 Boqun Zhou: oops sorry. 427 01:00:44.070 --> 01:00:45.900 Boqun Zhou: I forgot to share the paint. 428 01:00:47.100 --> 01:00:54.030 Boqun Zhou: So it's here all right, let me do it again Okay, let me do it again, so I entered this text box first and then. 429 01:00:55.470 --> 01:00:57.630 Boqun Zhou: So you're seeing just seeing paint right. 430 01:00:58.860 --> 01:01:00.570 Maddalena Poli: Right now, yes okay. 431 01:01:00.780 --> 01:01:01.200 Maddalena Poli: So. 432 01:01:01.350 --> 01:01:05.310 Boqun Zhou: Let me paste the first character and then the second one. 433 01:01:06.840 --> 01:01:14.190 Boqun Zhou: This may seem very time consuming but it's actually very easy if you know how to do it it's actually very easy so oh oops oops. 434 01:01:20.700 --> 01:01:32.640 Boqun Zhou: Okay, so now we have one character, with the high on the left, right and another character, with good on the right, what you want to do is you want to remove the part you don't want, so what I usually do is I select. 435 01:01:34.350 --> 01:01:36.240 Boqun Zhou: I selected and then just delete. 436 01:01:40.170 --> 01:01:41.430 Boqun Zhou: If this doesn't. 437 01:01:42.870 --> 01:01:47.760 Boqun Zhou: erase everything, then I use the eraser and erase what I don't want here. 438 01:01:50.310 --> 01:02:06.870 Boqun Zhou: So now, what we have is a high and a good as two components, the reason why we want to search for these characters in the deck this because you know if you have just high here, and then, if you change it sighs it's going to be web very awkward look so. 439 01:02:07.980 --> 01:02:12.780 Boqun Zhou: This is where we're going to do, and then you select the school and make sure you choose. 440 01:02:13.590 --> 01:02:23.760 Boqun Zhou: transparent selection here i'm sorry the system is in Chinese, but you can find where it is this is transparent selection, if you don't select it, and if you move good the white background is going to. 441 01:02:24.510 --> 01:02:37.530 Boqun Zhou: Cover high right So if you choose transparent selection and then this good doesn't have the white background doesn't cover it and then you get a nice character, you can even adjust you know if it's too big, you can even adjust it a little bit. 442 01:02:39.060 --> 01:02:41.820 Boqun Zhou: Okay, so this is something we want. 443 01:02:42.900 --> 01:02:56.580 Boqun Zhou: And now, what I do is I use a screen capture software what I the one i'm using is called snap the hyper snap it's free but you're welcome to find your own, so I click on this capture option, and then I just. 444 01:03:00.000 --> 01:03:07.980 Boqun Zhou: I choose it and then save it in my computer okay so that's quite so, then we have a good. 445 01:03:09.480 --> 01:03:10.320 Boqun Zhou: character image. 446 01:03:12.420 --> 01:03:13.470 Boqun Zhou: Let me share it with you. 447 01:03:21.570 --> 01:03:23.730 Boqun Zhou: There is it OK, so this is the. 448 01:03:24.870 --> 01:03:38.340 Boqun Zhou: character image we have now, if you want to insert it into the word, there is still a few more problems we have to solve, and if, let me open it on with oops let me open it with. 449 01:03:39.720 --> 01:03:40.650 Boqun Zhou: photoshop first. 450 01:03:44.580 --> 01:03:45.570 Boqun Zhou: and share the screen. 451 01:03:46.800 --> 01:03:48.120 Boqun Zhou: So um, this is a. 452 01:03:49.140 --> 01:03:56.340 Boqun Zhou: kind of like photoshop it's a different software, but you can also use photoshop so first of all, I just want to make it a strictly Square. 453 01:03:58.050 --> 01:04:03.420 Boqun Zhou: image by adjusting the pixel is 100 and 100. 454 01:04:04.560 --> 01:04:06.660 Boqun Zhou: OK, and then we have this I save it. 455 01:04:08.370 --> 01:04:10.020 Boqun Zhou: And in the word file. 456 01:04:13.620 --> 01:04:17.370 Boqun Zhou: In the form of file, let me copy and paste this. 457 01:04:19.680 --> 01:04:24.120 Boqun Zhou: and delete the school year, so now, I can insert. 458 01:04:25.410 --> 01:04:32.610 Boqun Zhou: The image we just created but it's too big right, so what I do is I change the size. 459 01:04:33.870 --> 01:04:46.350 Boqun Zhou: 238 it's for that's for 12 NUTS that's for fonts 12 so if your font sizes fault, then it's 330 it can just do a little bit experiment experiments and you can find the right number. 460 01:04:46.770 --> 01:04:53.370 Boqun Zhou: Three the 0.38 centimeters but then usually so this is already adjusted but usually. 461 01:04:54.120 --> 01:05:03.120 Boqun Zhou: Sorry, usually what you have when you're inserting these characters they're like this right it's really annoying that they're not aligned it's a bit. 462 01:05:04.110 --> 01:05:09.000 Boqun Zhou: higher than the other, the image is going to be a little bit higher than the others, so if you're really. 463 01:05:09.300 --> 01:05:16.710 Boqun Zhou: If you wanted, if you wanted to look really beautifully, then what you want to do is you select this full paragraph and you click the paragraph. 464 01:05:17.160 --> 01:05:34.050 Boqun Zhou: and choose the third tab here and then there's a textual alignments option, and then you choose the middle textural alignment then it's going to give you a very beautiful image here, so this is really what I do you can actually make these characters um you know exactly like texts. 465 01:05:35.760 --> 01:05:37.140 Boqun Zhou: So if I change this to. 466 01:05:47.850 --> 01:06:05.430 Boqun Zhou: it's almost on you know people can tell the difference between whether it's an image or a character, especially this is already very big if you, if I zoom out, then you know it just looks like something you put in you something you typed in yeah this is how I usually do it. 467 01:06:14.220 --> 01:06:14.490 Boqun Zhou: Okay. 468 01:06:14.520 --> 01:06:18.630 Maddalena Poli: Thank you for that are there any questions related to this, I see a question in the chat. 469 01:06:20.070 --> 01:06:23.580 Maddalena Poli: If, when you would you like to ask him so for yourself. 470 01:06:28.680 --> 01:06:30.840 Yefren Nye: Right yeah and thanks for much. 471 01:06:32.100 --> 01:06:35.700 Yefren Nye: Talk and I was really interested you, you were talking about that. 472 01:06:36.870 --> 01:06:38.520 Yefren Nye: paper in 2010. 473 01:06:39.180 --> 01:06:40.860 Yefren Nye: yeah and you, you said. 474 01:06:42.300 --> 01:06:45.210 Yefren Nye: It was about the character, the character, she. 475 01:06:45.420 --> 01:06:51.630 Yefren Nye: In the Oracle bone script, and so I was, I was interested in the problems of. 476 01:06:54.720 --> 01:07:11.220 Yefren Nye: What the problems of interpreting manuscripts from the warring states periods in light of grammar in grammatical usages in the Oracle bone script given that I mean there could be you know up to 1000 years. 477 01:07:11.850 --> 01:07:12.600 Boqun Zhou: Yes, yes. 478 01:07:13.170 --> 01:07:13.770 Between. 479 01:07:15.060 --> 01:07:21.120 Yefren Nye: between those two usages so I was always interested if you if you just had some thoughts on the. 480 01:07:22.740 --> 01:07:30.750 Yefren Nye: How is the interaction of the of the that much older script with the the more recent script yeah. 481 01:07:30.780 --> 01:07:31.740 Boqun Zhou: Thank you very much so. 482 01:07:32.100 --> 01:07:42.420 Boqun Zhou: Right, thank you for bringing this up, we have a potential anachronism right, we have a potential anachronism here because oftentimes that say if you're doing a logical reconstruction, then. 483 01:07:43.200 --> 01:07:56.670 Boqun Zhou: You shouldn't use something later to reconstruct something earlier, but when we're working with these manuscripts oftentimes we have no other choice but to make use of every bit of clue we can find so in that case. 484 01:07:57.690 --> 01:08:02.490 Boqun Zhou: As I said, we were trying to compare different meetings and to see which one makes better sense. 485 01:08:03.480 --> 01:08:18.480 Boqun Zhou: oftentimes in these early manuscripts what the information we can get are extremely rare or scarce so usually people make use of whatever they can find, but this is not to say that we shouldn't make any distinction between an earlier users and a later use ish. 486 01:08:19.830 --> 01:08:33.060 Boqun Zhou: The interesting what what makes that example interesting is that you see it in these sources across different times, and that also tells us that we shouldn't also assume that you know language in different times cannot be. 487 01:08:34.200 --> 01:08:42.540 Boqun Zhou: cannot have the same word right, for example, we are we're still reading classical Chinese texts, the modern society that say we buried all of these texts on the ground. 488 01:08:42.870 --> 01:08:53.580 Boqun Zhou: And then somebody 1000 years later it's covered the text we are reading, but so they're going to find different uh you know grammar of different belong to different. 489 01:08:53.970 --> 01:08:58.800 Boqun Zhou: time periods right because we are reading all of these these different time. 490 01:08:59.370 --> 01:09:07.710 Boqun Zhou: and also our language is influenced by the stuff we read so sometimes occasionally we might use a classical Chinese grammar in our modern writing well that's possible so. 491 01:09:08.070 --> 01:09:13.830 Boqun Zhou: I think it's absolutely right that we should we should be careful about a potential anachronism but it's also not the case that. 492 01:09:14.880 --> 01:09:23.160 Boqun Zhou: We should draw a definite line between you know texts resources from different periods, so in this case, what matters is whether it's solve the problem, and I think. 493 01:09:23.700 --> 01:09:33.810 Boqun Zhou: The Oracle bomb texts, provide a really good clue to the problem in the warring states manuscripts but again it's a method, we have to use with care, yes that's I totally agree with. 494 01:09:37.050 --> 01:09:37.830 Yefren Nye: Thanks for much. 495 01:09:38.160 --> 01:09:38.850 yeah Thank you. 496 01:09:43.800 --> 01:09:45.180 Maddalena Poli: We have 15 more minutes. 497 01:09:45.840 --> 01:09:55.020 Maddalena Poli: For other questions or requests anything you would like which one you can also show yourself if you want no Internet behave very well this time. 498 01:09:58.470 --> 01:09:59.850 Boqun Zhou: Where there's a yeah Thank you. 499 01:10:04.470 --> 01:10:07.740 Boqun Zhou: I mean we can also just and here is there's no other questions i'm. 500 01:10:07.830 --> 01:10:14.670 Maddalena Poli: Sure, I mean no, no, no reason to stay here in silence, but maybe people are formulating that taking one or two minutes. 501 01:10:14.670 --> 01:10:16.020 yeah questions. 502 01:10:17.370 --> 01:10:20.190 Maddalena Poli: So thank you again for doing this. 503 01:10:22.050 --> 01:10:24.210 Boqun Zhou: Thank you, thank you for organizing this. 504 01:10:27.720 --> 01:10:27.960 Maddalena Poli: Okay. 505 01:10:29.280 --> 01:10:32.700 Maddalena Poli: Thanks butchering right, it was just a thank you note. 506 01:10:35.580 --> 01:10:37.200 Boqun Zhou: yeah I want to thank everybody for coming. 507 01:10:39.060 --> 01:10:40.920 Boqun Zhou: And i'm glad that the Internet is fine today. 508 01:10:42.750 --> 01:10:47.940 Maddalena Poli: Okay, someone general Peters so that showed my lecture with 60 students and they all loved it. 509 01:10:49.290 --> 01:10:50.610 Maddalena Poli: Good because it was a good lecture. 510 01:10:55.020 --> 01:10:56.280 Boqun Zhou: yeah Thank you, thank you very much. 511 01:11:03.420 --> 01:11:16.530 Boqun Zhou: And, basically, I think i'm these so the websites I introduced today should be known by everybody, working with classical Chinese texts, if you don't know them sometimes you have to spend tons of times you know i'm. 512 01:11:17.670 --> 01:11:23.610 Boqun Zhou: Looking for one single character in your paperback dictionary, so I mean there. 513 01:11:25.980 --> 01:11:42.120 Boqun Zhou: With and also you don't have to carry a ton of books with you around you can do your research, you know from a different not in your office, maybe, so I think I think everybody should know that that that's also why I want to make this video and share share those with with you. 514 01:11:45.180 --> 01:11:49.080 Maddalena Poli: yeah they're very useful resources and they keep going to which is another. 515 01:11:50.220 --> 01:11:57.630 Maddalena Poli: very useful thing by whoever is running this this website oh is going every time you go back. 516 01:11:59.280 --> 01:12:07.530 Maddalena Poli: Okay, we have a lot of Thank you Professor godin says, my father, used to say that the adventure books is that they work in a power outage That is very true. 517 01:12:10.590 --> 01:12:11.010 Maddalena Poli: So. 518 01:12:11.460 --> 01:12:13.260 Boqun Zhou: And also books. 519 01:12:13.320 --> 01:12:14.370 Maddalena Poli: By all means that. 520 01:12:14.970 --> 01:12:23.730 Boqun Zhou: yeah and there are also a lot of useful books that are not on these websites, so I don't want to you know give you the impression that using them alone is enough. 521 01:12:25.500 --> 01:12:27.750 Maddalena Poli: Yes, no, no, absolutely there's also a lot of. 522 01:12:28.950 --> 01:12:38.910 Maddalena Poli: old school and someone would say everything that has to be done, the papers, the public of publications must just be read. 523 01:12:40.830 --> 01:12:42.450 Maddalena Poli: He was only 50% seats. 524 01:12:43.620 --> 01:12:53.940 Maddalena Poli: Fine, so we have a lot of Thank you that makes everybody really happy, this is exactly what we were hoping with when my mom my actually approached me with the idea, and then we put this series together. 525 01:12:54.270 --> 01:13:01.140 Maddalena Poli: But you Thank you so much for coming, I think there are no questions if you have questions, however, remember that you can email us. 526 01:13:01.800 --> 01:13:11.280 Maddalena Poli: reach out on Twitter, if you follow if you follow us there or just directly reach out to butcher and i'm sure his he'll be happy to do so. 527 01:13:11.940 --> 01:13:19.140 Maddalena Poli: i'm giving you the more job I do want to say one thing, since it came up. 528 01:13:19.470 --> 01:13:30.690 Maddalena Poli: This morning we realized that some of you sometimes when you register you don't receive the email with the zoom link there's there's a problem in our mailing system i'm not sure why exactly. 529 01:13:31.080 --> 01:13:43.440 Maddalena Poli: But so from now on, if you register and you don't receive an email with the zoom link within let's say two hours assume that something went wrong, maybe check your spam folder or else reach out to us our emails our. 530 01:13:44.250 --> 01:13:52.020 Maddalena Poli: Professional emails are online, you can also again contact us via Twitter and we will make sure that the problem is solved. 531 01:13:53.490 --> 01:13:58.530 Maddalena Poli: Last call for one more question or two more questions if not again, thank you, everybody for coming. 532 01:14:00.570 --> 01:14:06.960 Maddalena Poli: And yeah it was very successful, thank you for the interaction was extremely helpful and beautiful powerpoints things. 533 01:14:07.170 --> 01:14:09.180 Boqun Zhou: Yes, thank you, sorry I just I just. 534 01:14:09.600 --> 01:14:12.750 Boqun Zhou: Sorry, I just thought of something I just want to add one last thing so. 535 01:14:13.800 --> 01:14:19.560 Boqun Zhou: When when I look at the examples, or when you look at these examples I think many of you might think that the. 536 01:14:20.190 --> 01:14:28.110 Boqun Zhou: trying to figure out, you know, trying to compare these different readings it's a trivial thing, because if you're interested in some. 537 01:14:28.770 --> 01:14:34.320 Boqun Zhou: You know, big problems than just one single, why do we have to spend so much time on one single character, I think. 538 01:14:34.890 --> 01:14:46.440 Boqun Zhou: A good reason can be that, even if, maybe it doesn't really make a huge difference for understanding, you know the problem you're interested in, but I think it's a really good way of learning classical Chinese, to say the very least. 539 01:14:46.950 --> 01:14:49.080 Boqun Zhou: You know, even if we don't solve the problem, in the end. 540 01:14:49.410 --> 01:14:54.600 Boqun Zhou: Just by searching through these exams by searching through these examples just by comparing these different readings. 541 01:14:55.080 --> 01:15:04.620 Boqun Zhou: You actually learn a lot about the language itself right, even if in the end we don't know which reading is the best, so we have learned so much about the language itself. 542 01:15:05.070 --> 01:15:14.910 Boqun Zhou: In this process, so I always think reading these manuscripts are very helpful for me to read transmitted texts, because they're going to give you a totally new perspective. 543 01:15:15.660 --> 01:15:25.620 Boqun Zhou: Just think about the examples of you know, the transmitted petitions of these activity texts, there you know if you know, like, for example, hi can be a graphic mistake for Joe then. 544 01:15:26.190 --> 01:15:35.130 Boqun Zhou: Next time, when you see something like that oh there's something you have this in your mind, and you can make a different guests right, so I think these things are really helpful. 545 01:15:36.360 --> 01:15:40.440 Boqun Zhou: When we when when if even if you're just engaging with transmitted text as well yeah. 546 01:15:44.760 --> 01:15:45.360 Boqun Zhou: Yes. 547 01:15:45.450 --> 01:16:00.030 Maddalena Poli: And it is it's it's always useful is to understand what has been said before you, even if you decide, you of course not to be not necessarily to be a pornographer to the physiology we have one question which one you're working on a book and information. 548 01:16:01.710 --> 01:16:02.670 Maddalena Poli: promote yourself. 549 01:16:03.180 --> 01:16:07.770 Boqun Zhou: Well, I think there's a short bio on the methods and phonology website. 550 01:16:08.160 --> 01:16:09.690 Maddalena Poli: Yes, I put it on the page. 551 01:16:09.780 --> 01:16:12.810 Maddalena Poli: But if you want to say one or two things about your forthcoming book. 552 01:16:13.620 --> 01:16:21.390 Boqun Zhou: Oh i'm right now just working on the critical translation of that five or sorry it's actually six manuscripts from the team. 553 01:16:22.560 --> 01:16:31.560 Boqun Zhou: Particular Bamboo slips i'm also working on a book about technological metaphors the classical Chinese thoughts So those are the stuff i'm working on right now. 554 01:16:32.130 --> 01:16:43.650 Boqun Zhou: And the book on technological metaphor is about you know mechanical imagery used in a political and moral theories like how you weigh things and how you and and political leverage and stuff like that. 555 01:16:48.240 --> 01:16:51.930 Maddalena Poli: If you're really interested, you can find the dissertation online for the. 556 01:16:53.130 --> 01:16:56.220 Maddalena Poli: Oh yes, wait for the book Okay, I think we can wrap it here. 557 01:16:58.380 --> 01:17:10.320 Maddalena Poli: Thank you again everybody and, as I said, any questions that come up later by just we watching the videos please, please do reach out remember, we are back again next. 558 01:17:10.710 --> 01:17:24.330 Maddalena Poli: Thursday and there will be the first of two lectures by in Columbus professor in my goal on both on Jun Huang manuscripts this time, so we keep on manuscripts but kind of later period, you find information on our website, as usual. 559 01:17:25.680 --> 01:17:30.210 Maddalena Poli: Thank you very much, so what we asked for help in the future, thank you so much, everybody for coming. 560 01:17:30.990 --> 01:17:31.590 Boqun Zhou: Thank you everyone. 561 01:17:31.740 --> 01:17:32.550 Maddalena Poli: have a wonderful. 562 01:17:32.820 --> 01:17:33.240 weekend. 563 01:17:34.650 --> 01:17:34.830 Boqun Zhou: yeah. 564 01:17:34.980 --> 01:17:36.060 Boqun Zhou: Thank you very much bye bye.