Welcome to Methods in Sinology – a lecture series.
This lecture series aims to introduce research practices in different sub-fields of Sinology. In modern times, it is increasingly easy to get hold of data and research results, but a large part of what goes into doing research remains hidden. How do sinologists come up with research questions? How do they evaluate primary sources (historical documents, visual media, texts, etc.), and what do they pay attention to? What choices do they have to make when translating a text? The goal of Methods in Sinology is to organise a virtual space where such tacit knowledge will be shared. Each invited lecturer will take a small research problem to exemplify their approach to it.
This is a student-run initiative, launched in September 2021. We aim to maintain this project long-term and to continue expanding the range of topics. You can also follow MS on Twitter @InSinology.
For registration please go to SCHEDULE.